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Time to Winterize your Facility

Brrrrrr.. is it just us or is it starting to get chilly outside? 

Here in Nova Scotia we are starting to move from fall weather into winter so now is the best time to prepare! You don't want to find yourself in the middle of a snowstorm with no ice melt. We have a variety of types and price ranges, with a focus on environmentally friendly types. 

Our favorite ice melt product is called Mountain Organic and it boasts numerous environmental perks. It is fertilizer based and is safe for groundwater systems. It is effective in up to -23 degrees Celsius. Additionally, this ice melt is produced and packaged in Canada.

If you have any questions about ice melt or would like to make a purchase please do not hesitate to contact us at (888) 454-0807 or stop by at 6438 Bayers Road, Halifax. 
